Ten ways to fundraise for the World's Greatest Shave

8 Mar 2024

Looking for some easy fundraising ideas? Whether you've just started on your fundraising journey or need a boost to get you over the line, we’ve got you covered.

Here are some quick and easy ways to level-up your tally. 

Like Shaving, Cutting or Colouring your hair, reaching your World’s Greatest Shave fundraising goal is bloody beautiful. 

There are plenty of fun and creative ways to raise funds for Australians facing blood cancer, and we’ve put together our picks of the bunch. Remember, every donation you receive – big or small – will make a huge difference.

1. Share your page... everywhere!

Facebook, Instagram, email, online community groups. Head to our resources and download your custom social tiles, email signatures and story templates to share away. You may feel a little shy at first, but remember, you're doing an incredible thing – so shout it loud and proud, and often. The more times you share your page on your socials and via email, the more donations you're likely to get.  

2. Remind people what it's for

People are more likely to donate when they’re reminded of what it will go towards. Every dollar you raise will fuel real, tangible change in the lives of blood cancer patients and their families. Keep an eye out on the World's Greatest Shave socials for real life examples of families supported by the Leukaemia Foundation – these are perfect to reshare with your family and friends.

3. Self-donate

Be your own biggest fan. Donating to yourself is a great way to kick off your fundraising tally and set an example for others to follow. It also gives people an amount to match. 

4. Encourage every donation size

Remind people that regardless of the amount, every donation matters and helps the Leukaemia Foundation support Australians living with blood cancer today, while investing in a better tomorrow. 

5. Put up a poster

Log in to your account or head to the resources to download your personal donation QR code. Print it off and put it up in a highly visible place, so people can scan and donate on the spot. 

6. Sell your unused items

Have a garage sale or sell your pre-loved goodies online to raise extra funds. For some inspo, check out how Audrey Wood held a garage sale to help her reach an incredible fundraising tally of over $10,000. 

7. Lean on your friends

Don’t be afraid to ask your friends for support. Ask if they can spread the word by sharing your fundraising page with their network. 

8. Collect loose change

Ask people at home, work, school and in your social groups to donate any coins they have. It all adds up to create meaningful change. 

9. Remind people on the day

Inspire last-minute donations by sharing a photo or video of you on your big day. Go viral on social media by live-streaming your event. Or share the best moments online after the event to attract even more donors. 

10. Name your price or auction off your new 'do'

Take your fundraising for World's Greatest Shave to new heights and set milestones. Commit to Colouring your hair for cancer and escalate to a haircut for cancer at the next milestone. For the ultimate milestone, pledge to Shave your head for cancer if you meet your top goal. Encourage friends, family, and colleagues to join the excitement and auction off your new 'do. The highest donor earns the privilege of selecting the colour or length of your hair. 

Remember, we’re here to help with your fundraising every step of the way. Call us on 1800 500 088 or send us a message by clicking the blue button in the bottom-right corner of the screen. 

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