Fundraising tips and guides

Every dollar you raise will fuel real, tangible change in the lives of blood cancer patients and their families. We've got guides and tips to help you smash your fundraising goal.

Tips for a great World's Greatest Shave event

Shave for cancer! Sign up to the World's Greatest Shave
Sign up as an individual or team and fundraise for the World's Greatest Shave
Shave head for charity and sign up to World's Greatest Shave
Colour for cancer and sign up to the World's Greatest Shave. Fundraise for a great cause.
Join World's Greatest Shave. Cutting hair for cancer and raising funds!
Shave your head for cancer and sign up to the Leukaemia Foundation's World's Greatest Shave


Event date

First up, don't worry if you don't have a date for your Shave, Cut, or Colour event locked in yet. You can start fundraising first and choose your date whenever you're ready.


Gather your friends and family

Once you've chosen a date, start talking to family and friends about the big day. You'll be amazed by how much people want to help, whether it be bringing food, taking photos, or being there to cheer you on.


Check out the checklist

Our fundraising guide has an awesome event day checklist to help you plan. Download the guide here.


Theme it

Look the part on the day with World's Greatest Shave merchandise (you can order it here). Get creative and decorate your event with posters and bunting.


Share your big day on your socials

Go viral on social media by live-streaming your event or simply share the best moments online after the event to attract more donors.


Enjoy the moment

When your big day arrives, whether it’s in a backyard, the office, a hairdresser or at your local – enjoy it surrounded by those that matter.


Making the first donation

Get the ball rolling and donate to your fundraising page. You'll lead by example and give others an amount to match.

Share your fundraising page again and again

You're doing an incredible thing – so shout it loud and proud, and often. The more times you share your page on your socials and via email, the more donations you're likely to get. And get creative with who you share your page with – the more people, the better.

Auction off your hair

Auction off the right to Shave, Cut, or Colour your hair – it's stacks of fun. Or section your hair into small plaits and charge people to do the chop.

Sell your pre-loved goodies

Declutter and fundraise at the same time. Hold a garage sale or sell them on Gumtree or Facebook Marketplace.


Casual day

Hold a school casual day for a donation. It's an easy way to raise funds as a team and you'll be guaranteed maximum participation.

Get SRC involved

Your Student Representative Council is a great resource when it comes to fundraising and school support for your big event day. Talk to them about how they can help to raise funds and spread the word.

Sausage sizzle or bake sale

A firm favourite, these are very popular at recess and lunch time. Ask for donations from the wider school community for baked goods and sausages.

Talk at assembly

Tell everyone about your team and your big event. Interview some of your team members and reveal if they are Shaving, Cutting, or Colouring. It's a great way to create excitement and recruit more members.


Morning tea

Hold a fundraising morning or afternoon tea at work, with lots of opportunities for donations online and in person.

Friendly competition

There's nothing like a bit of friendly competition to really drive up the fundraising. You could hold a competition between departments or office locations, with a prize for the highest fundraising team.

Dollar matching

Ask your workplace to dollar match the donations your team receives.

Bounty the boss

Persuade your CEO to Shave, Cut, or Colour their hair if your team reaches their fundraising goal.

Make the most of your big day

Get everyone involved and enjoy the feel-good vibes. Auction off clipper privileges to the highest bidder in the office, hold a sausage sizzle, and have Colour station ready to go for donations.

Donate your hair

By donating the hair you Cut or Shave, you can take your impact even further.

We’ve teamed up with Sustainable Salons to recycle your hair into charitable wigs for Australians with cancer.

Hair less than 20cm in length?

We can still transform your hair clippings into floating hair booms to mop up oil spills in our oceans.

Dry hair clippings and ponytails shorter than 20cm must be placed in a separate zip lock bag and posted to:

World’s Greatest Shave Ponytails
c/o Sustainable Salons

Donate your hair for cancer with Sustainable Salons

Recycle your hair at a Sustainable Salon

Our Sustainability partner, Sustainable Salons has a network of more than 1,400 salons who can help you Cut, Colour or Shave on the big day and collect your ponytails/hair clippings so they can be recycled into charitable wigs or hair booms to help in oil spill emergencies.

Find your nearest salon

Grab our hair donation guide

Download now

Top resources and downloads

The best of the best, these are our most popular resources ready for you to use.

Shout it out loud

Tell people what you're doing and why you're fundraising. Share away on your socials with our graphic tiles, templated posts and more.

"I'm taking part" Social Tile Bundle

Colour Email Signature Bundle

Colour Email Signature Bundle

Cut Email Signature Bundle

Cut Email Signature Bundle

Shave Email Signature Bundle

Shave Email Signature Bundle

Blue Skies

Blue Skies "I'm taking on the WGS" Zoom Background

Splice Green

Splice Green "I'm taking on the WGS" Zoom Backgrou...


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