Our Impact

Since 1998, the World's Greatest Shave has raised over $300 million to fund blood cancer research and expert Leukaemia Foundation support. That's bloody beautiful.

26 years and counting. The World's Greatest Shave has changed the lives of people facing blood cancer.

26 years

And counting

For over a quarter of a century, the World's Greatest Shave has changed the lives of people facing blood cancer like leukaemia, lymphoma and myeloma.

Millions raised to fund blood cancer research and support for the Leukaemia Foundation


For blood cancer

Millions raised to fund blood cancer research and support.

1500+ people a year take part in the World's Greatest Shave each year.


People take part each year

Across our country, thousands Shave, Cut and Colour for blood cancer.

53 australians will be diagnosed with blood cancer today. Shave, cut or colour to give them life-changing support. 53 australians will be diagnosed with blood cancer today. Shave, cut or colour to give them life-changing support. 53 australians will be diagnosed with blood cancer today. Shave, cut or colour to give them life-changing support.

You'll change the lives of Australians facing blood cancer

The Leukaemia Foundation provides support for patients and families facing blood cancer.

Beth had recently graduated from university and was looking forward to starting her teaching career when a blood cancer diagnosis changed everything.

"Just one day after a bone marrow biopsy, the doctor entered my room and told me that I had acute myeloid leukaemia,” recalls Beth.

The Leukaemia Foundation supported Beth and her family during this challenging time, providing home-away-from-home accommodation near the hospital.

Beth also had regular touchpoints with Alisha, her Leukaemia Foundation Blood Cancer Support Coordinator, to help navigate her blood cancer experience.

We would have been lost without the support of the Leukaemia Foundation. It was also nice to be surrounded by people who understood what you were going through and genuinely cared.

Beth Gilmore

Together, we're working towards a shared goal:

zero lives lost to blood cancer by 2035.

Every dollar you raise gets us closer.

Where your fundraising goes

Big or small, every donation matters – and helps the Leukaemia Foundation support Australians living with blood cancer today, while investing in a better tomorrow.

Last year, the World's Greatest Shave community made this life-changing support possible:

Help provide accommodation for people facing blood cancer. Sign up to the World's Greatest Shave

37,655 nights of accommodation provided to 550 families.

Sign up to World's Greatest Shave and help provide Blood Cancer Support Coordinators

40,081 interactions with expert Blood Cancer Support Coordinators.

Fundraise with the World's Greatest Shave and help provide patients and families with transportation services

2,405 patients and family members provided with transport services.

Help provide practical support for patients and families, sign up to the World's Greatest Shave

$276,603 in assistance grants provided to patients and families.

The Leukaemia Foundation

We help Australians with blood cancer. Leukaemia, lymphoma, myeloma – every blood cancer matters to us. With the help of our World's Greatest Shave community, we're not stopping until together, we reach the day when zero lives are lost to blood cancer.

How your fundraising helps

Our unique wraparound health services support families through the emotional, physical and financial challenges of blood cancer. We couldn't do this life-changing work without you.

How we help

More about blood cancer

We're Australia's trusted source of blood cancer information. Learn more about blood cancer, including lymphoma, leukaemia and myeloma.

Learn more

Leukaemia Foundation Frequently Asked Questions

What others way can I get involved with the Leukaemia Foundation?

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Besides making a hairy sacrifice in the World's Greatest Shave, you can support Australians facing blood cancer in so many other wonderful ways. Here are a few 

See more ways

How does the Leukaemia Foundation help people facing blood cancer?

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We're here for anyone with any blood cancer, every step of the way. Leukaemia, lymphoma, myeloma – every blood cancer matters to us. We offer life-changing support, fund leading-edge research and campaign for change alongside our community. 

Our expert Blood Cancer Support Coordinators provide information, practical support, and emotional care, helping families navigate the rollercoaster of blood cancer. We keep families together when they need each other most, with Leukaemia Foundation accommodation close to hospital. And we help families meet basic costs like putting food on the table, covering rent, or paying bills. Because we want people not just to survive blood cancer, but to thrive.

How we can help

How does the Leukaemia Foundation support blood cancer research?

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Since 2000, we've committed over $60 million to power Australia's brightest blood cancer researchers. We fund the science helping us understand the causes of blood cancer and how it can be diagnosed. And we fund research to develop life-saving new treatments, while giving patients fast access to clinical trials testing the very latest medicines. 

More about research

What impact has the Leukaemia Foundation made this year?

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Our latest Annual Report is a great way to show our tangible impact during the latest financial year. With an army of supporters like our legendary World's Greatest Shave family, we've worked hard to improve the lives of Australians facing leukaemia (leukemia), lymphoma and myeloma. 

Download our Annual Report



Shave, Cut or Colour your hair to fund blood cancer research and support. Sign up for the World's Greatest Shave.