Cut your hair for blood cancer

Whether you go a pixie cut, a bob, or something else entirely, Cutting your hair for the World's Greatest Shave is more than changing your hairstyle. You're changing the lives of Australians – just like you – affected by blood cancer.

Cut your hair for blood cancer. Sign up to the World's Greatest Shave

Why take part

Blood cancer is Australia's hidden cancer crisis. There are 140,000 families facing blood cancer right now. And it takes the lives of 16 Australians every day.

Every year, thousands of Australians step up to Cut their hair for the World's Greatest Shave. It's the ultimate act of support for people facing blood cancer.

Every dollar you raise will help provide families with practical and emotional support to get them through the many challenges that blood cancer can bring. And you'll power Australia's brightest research minds, bringing us closer to our goal of zero lives lost to blood cancer by 2035.

It feels incredible. Nothing compares. Join the World's Greatest Shave community and make a life-changing difference today.

Get a hair cut for cancer and sign up to the World's Greatest Shave fundraiser
Join World's Greatest Shave. Cutting hair for cancer and raising funds!
That's Bloody Beautiful. Sign up and cut your hair for cancer. World's Greatest Shave
Shave, cut or colour your hair for the blood cancer fundraiser, World's Greatest Shave


Sign up

Sign up to the World’s Greatest Shave online as an individual or as part of a team. Then choose to Cut.


Set up your fundraising page

Once you’re in, decide when you’re going to Cut and your fundraising target, and add a photo and message on your page. Let others know why you’re Cutting your hair. And then share your profile far and wide.


Start organising while the funds roll in

This is where the fun begins. Organise your World's Greatest Shave event – the bigger the better. Ask friends and family to join you, or donate, and watch the funds come rolling in.


Make it count

When your big day arrives, all that’s left to do is lop off those locks. Enjoy it surrounded by those that matter, and remember to share photos, videos, and your page – so your hairy sacrifice gets the reward it deserves.

53 australians will be diagnosed with blood cancer today. Shave, cut or colour to give them life-changing support. 53 australians will be diagnosed with blood cancer today. Shave, cut or colour to give them life-changing support. 53 australians will be diagnosed with blood cancer today. Shave, cut or colour to give them life-changing support.

Where your fundraising goes

Big or small, every donation matters – and helps the Leukaemia Foundation support Australians living with blood cancer today, while investing in a better tomorrow.

Last year, the World's Greatest Shave community made this life-changing support possible:

Help provide accommodation for people facing blood cancer. Sign up to the World's Greatest Shave

37,655 nights of accommodation provided to 550 families.

Sign up to World's Greatest Shave and help provide Blood Cancer Support Coordinators

40,081 interactions with expert Blood Cancer Support Coordinators.

Fundraise with the World's Greatest Shave and help provide patients and families with transportation services

2,405 patients and family members provided with transport services.

Help provide practical support for patients and families, sign up to the World's Greatest Shave

$276,603 in assistance grants provided to patients and families.

Don't want to Cut your hair?
We've got you covered

Shave, Cut or Colour – your impact will be the same. You'll change the lives of Australians facing blood cancer right now. And that's bloody beautiful.

Colour for cancer and sign up to World's Greatest Shave

Colour your hair

Platinum blonde, fiery red or maybe rainbow? Be a canvas of hope for those facing blood cancer.

Find out more Sign up
Be brave and shave - sign up to World's Greatest Shave

Shave your head

It’s a bucket list item. Experience the buzz of Shaving in the ultimate act of support.

Find out more Sign up

Teamwork makes the dream work

Bigger impact, more fun, and a huge, shared buzz. Sign up with friends, family and workmates

Start a team

Share the experience. You'll be the Team Captain and can invite other people to join. Share the experience. You'll be the Team Captain and can invite other people to join.

Sign up

Join a team

Know someone with an existing World's Greatest Shave team? Search for their team to join.

Search & join

Signing up as an individual not in a team? No problem, sign up here.

What's it like to Cut?

Cut your hair for cancer with the World's Greatest Shave

“After 5 years of growing it, I've donated 90cm of untouched hair to be made into a wig for kids with alopecia and raised nearly $3,000 for the World’s Greatest Shave. Thank you, Mum, for giving me the idea to do this. As hard as it's been to chop it all off, compared to your eleven-year battle, this is the least I could do, and I'm grateful I did this for you."
