The Sand Pit Princesses

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We're fundraising for the World's Greatest Shave

Lou and Dom here! 

On September 4th, it will be ten years since we lost Elizabeth, my big sister and Dom's dear friend, to Hodgkin Lymphoma. 

Losing Liz sucks beyond belief. We miss her so much, it doesn't really matter how much time passes.

We want to do something to remember her, and to help others going through what she went through. So, we're participating in the World's Greatest Shave!

Dom will be getting a purple mohawk 💜and I'll be shaving it all off 🧑🏻‍🦲

We'd love it if you could help us in supporting those living with blood cancer and funding research into blood cancer. 

With your help, we can make a difference!  I really believe that.

Thank you for giving whatever you can. Many hands make light work, and collectively, even small contributions can make a big change. We would also really appreciate if you shared this fundraiser around with other you know, so that way we can reach the most people and make the biggest difference possible 😊

Thank you for reading this, and all your love and support!

Much love, 

Lou and Dom

Thank you to our Sponsors


Adam Hore

2024-09-06 20:16:04

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