Class of 2024

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We're fundraising for the World's Greatest Shave

A Mullet Free Future!! With no screening programs available and no means of prevention through lifestyle changes, blood cancer is Australia's hidden cancer crisis. Every day, 53 Aussies are diagnosed with blood cancer, and 16 will lose their life. We can't delay taking action together. That's why we have decided to take part in the Leukaemia Foundation's World's Greatest Shave. We'll be raising crucial funds that help give those facing blood cancer all the support and information they need, while driving breakthrough research projects discovering better ways to diagnose and treat blood cancer. However - there is also an ulterior motivate, and that is to send as many KSSHS 2024 graduates into the world, minus their mullets, as possible. For those without the mullets who would like to participate, they can experience the liberation of a shaved head, as well as doing something for a fabulous cause! You have the power to help us make an extraordinary difference. Big or small, every donation counts. Will you help by sponsoring us?