cole clayden

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I'm fundraising for the World's Greatest Shave

the difference you make is all that counts. I may be the person collecting the donations, but after all they are your donations and you all are the one's contributing to this cause. I want to say thank you to all those who do make a donation and anyone else who supports me while i embark on this journey where i end up shaving my head, it is a sacrifice not many are willing to make and it takes a lot of commitment to be able to complete this task and follow through with their commitment. To all those who are taking part in the WGS and are shaving their heads, myself and all the others who supported and donated to your cause, we want to commend you, this is not a task many are willing to participate in and sacrifice their time to complete. The results of now now having a buzz cut are not the focus and neither is the amount of money you are willing to raise, but the feeling you gain knowing you contributed in some way to this cause and having that idea that you did something wonderful that you can look back on in 10 years and be proud of.


Your Impact

Help me earn the Helping Hand badge. That's enough to help a family attend a support program specific to their blood cancer.

I’m $84 away from my next impact milestone. Please help me reach it.

Donate now

My Achievements

Help me earn the Discover badge. That’s enough to fund 3 months of laboratory costs for a research project to discover better treatments for blood cancer.

I’m $4040 away from my next impact milestone. Please help me reach it.

Donate now

Signed Up!






Thank you to my Sponsors

Grandparents Clayden & Brown Gradparents

2024-09-11 21:11:58


Anne Clayden

2024-09-15 13:53:17


Ivy & Mum Clayden

2024-09-07 19:53:47

Go Cole!


Zealous Basketball

2024-09-07 19:54:33


Maia Clayden

2024-09-07 19:54:38



2024-09-07 20:06:04



2024-09-07 19:57:15

Go me


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