Felix Wilson

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I am Fundraising for World's greatest shave

I first wished to donate my hair in year 7 after I had seen a girl shave her hair in primary school a few years prior and I was greatly inspired to do the same. After looking into it more, I had found out that if I wished to donate my hair for wig making, my hair wasn't allowed to be bleached. So I shaved all my hair off and started anew. That was July of 2021, since then I have been growing my hair out for the purpose of donating it. It took a while for me to feel comfortable in my hair, as it initially gave me a lot of gender dysphoria (being non-binary), but I learnt to love my hair. At the beginning of this year, I knew it was time to cut my hair, but I was attached (quite literally). But when I heard the school- BSSC- was doing World's Greatest Shave, I knew I couldn't hold it off any longer. Although I will miss my hair, I'm excited to shave it all off.

It is my pleasure to be a part of such a great cause and work alongside the other BSSC team members in cutting our hair. 


Check out my before and after!

Thanks for having your say


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My Achievements

Help me earn the Discover badge. That’s enough to fund 3 months of laboratory costs for a research project to discover better treatments for blood cancer.

I’m $4040 away from my next impact milestone. Please help me reach it.

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Signed Up!






My Updates


Friday 6th Sep
thank you all so much for joining me on this journey and supporting this cause!! I could not be more grateful for the people in my life for supporting me and the bssc team! 💕💕💕💕💕
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Thank you to my Sponsors


2024-09-06 16:36:45

Proud of you!


Sarah Campbell

2024-09-04 21:27:11

So proud of you ❤️


Sahara Elliott

2024-09-06 00:08:25

Yay feliixxx!! 😈


Cris Sinnott

2024-09-12 09:54:44

Go for it!


Madeleine Dodsworth

2024-09-06 21:43:39


Sandra Murdoch

2024-09-12 22:57:49




2024-09-12 17:08:25

One dollar... and a bit. Go legend



2024-09-11 18:18:28



2024-09-11 18:35:29


Annarose Malkin

2024-09-11 18:36:29

Go Felix!



2024-09-11 18:53:58



2024-09-07 17:58:22


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