Lou Oxford

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For my sister

On September 4th, it will be ten years since I lost my big sister, Elizabeth Rose Oxford, to Hodgkin Lymphoma. I want to use this anniversary as an opportunity to celebrate her life and to help others in her situation. So, if you will, let me tell you a bit about my big sis.

Elizabeth was a hardworking, tenacious and beautiful person. She always had strong values and was hard on herself to live up to them. Even when she was a young child, she was so responsible and always looked out for her younger siblings. She was the dux of her high school, got a full scholarship to study engineering, she spoke German and learnt pole dancing. She wanted to live and work in Germany, and was well on the way to making that happen. 

She had graduated a year prior and had been working for just a year when she was diagnosed. It was so hard on her, I can't imagine what she went through. She fought so hard through all the illness and treatments. Despite how hard it was for her, she always tried to shield my family from worry. Every time a treatment would stop working, she would keep it a secret until she found something else to try. That's the type of person she was, always trying to be strong for the people around her. It both fills me with pride and breaks my heart.

Despite an initially good prognosis, the cancer kept coming back and the treatment options gradually got exhausted. Seeing the way she faced her own mortality, seeing her grow and bloom right up until the end, I feel so grateful to be able to call Elizabeth my sister.

Even after she knew her prognosis was terminal, she went back to uni to study psychology. Because she could. Because she wanted to get the most out of life. And, as she said, because you don't have to pay HECS when you're dead. 

Despite fighting with everything she had, she lost her four-year-long battle with cancer, on September 4th, 2014. Words cannot describe what her friends and family went through after we lost her. Nor can words describe how much we miss her. Cliché, I know, but it's true.

Being the baby sibling, I always looked up to her, and I’m comforted knowing that many parts of her live on in me. At the same time, there is a perpetual void in my life as a result of her absence. There is regret for things that were left unsaid, longing for what could have been, and that particular feeling you get when looking at a loved-one’s now empty chair at the family dinner table.

I wish she could still pursue her dreams. I wish she could enjoy the fruits of all her hard work. I wish she could enjoy exploring the world like she always did. But she can’t.

I wish I could tell my big sister how grateful I am to her for always looking out for me and for all the things she taught me. I wish I could tell her that despite our bickering, I still always adored her. I wish I could tell her how very much I love her. But I can’t.

I can’t change any of that, but I can help change things for other people and families. I don’t want anyone to have to live through what my sister went through, I don’t want any parent to have to bury their own child, and I don’t want any kid to have to grow up without their sibling. With your help, we can help keep families together - we can help find better treatments and provide better support to those living with cancer. 

On September 4th, in memory of my beautiful sister, I will be shaving my head to raise money for blood cancer research. I’ve wanted to do this for a long time, but it’s taken me a while to get up the courage, so your support means the world to me.

Regardless of whether you are able to donate or not, thank you for reading this. Awareness is also very important, and by reading this, awareness is spreading. I would be very grateful if you shared this fundraiser on your social media or with others you know, and any donation, no matter how big or small, is deeply appreciated. 

Thank you all, from the bottom of my heart, for your love and support.

- Lou

For my big sister,

Elizabeth (Lizzy Poo) Rose Oxford,

16/12/1987 - 04/09/2014



Check out my before and after!

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My Achievements

Help me earn the Discover badge. That’s enough to fund 3 months of laboratory costs for a research project to discover better treatments for blood cancer.

I’m $4040 away from my next impact milestone. Please help me reach it.

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Signed Up!






My Updates

The Shave!

Thursday 5th Sep
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September 4th

Thursday 5th Sep

To all my friends, family, and supporters,

Yesterday was a beautiful day. When I decided to do this, I didn’t realise how hard it would end up being emotionally. Losing someone is one of those things where even after so much time, it can still hit you like a tonne of bricks. I was starting to feel anxious and overwhelmed by it all, however, when I woke up yesterday, I had a sense of calm and peace. I couldn’t have spent that day in any better way. It was as close to perfect as anything could be. I got to spend the day talking about Liz, sharing memories of her and how much we love her. There were lots of tears but lots of laughter too.

It’s easy to want to avoid thinking about things too much, it’s easy to be afraid of being overwhelmed by the pain. However, only by facing that head on can you move through it. I’m still on that journey, and it will be hard again in future, but I feel like a weight has been lifted from my shoulders (and head) at this time.

I’m so happy that I could celebrate Liz’s life this way. I’m so happy that I could share my love for her with you all. I’m so happy that, with your love and support, I could take something sad and painful and create something positive from it.

Words cannot express how grateful I am to you all for the support you have shown me, Liz and my family. I know it means so much to my parents too, and to everyone who loves her. I am incredibly lucky to have you all in my life, and I know Liz would be so happy knowing that there are so many people out there who support me.

From the bottom of my heart, thank you.

I love you all.


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Thank you to my Sponsors

Lou Oxford

2024-07-20 16:18:56


Cheuk Fung Wong

2024-08-29 18:42:08




2024-08-31 06:26:59

Champion stuff Louise



2024-08-29 14:16:35


Tj Dunsmore

2024-08-31 12:55:28

Much love xx



2024-09-03 18:45:12


Jörg Hebenstreit

2024-09-03 15:56:18


Imogen Jones

2024-08-31 14:16:54


Veronika Oxford

2024-09-05 09:57:14

I am so proud of what you have done Louise, you are amazing. I also want to say that I am so proud of you Dominic for getting a purple Mohawk 🙂. Louise here is the last bit to achieve your goal of $3000. I love you both


Akima Ruddle

2024-08-28 18:02:39

Love you Louise xx


Veronika Oxford

2024-08-28 18:31:39


Kerry & Mark Morton

2024-08-29 16:24:46


Minyoung Kim

2024-09-04 23:08:41


Manfred And Traudel Hebenstreit

2024-09-04 17:33:30


Jaho Koo

2024-09-03 14:28:32


Stephen Macdonald

2024-09-06 13:04:56


Kacee And Aiden Ruddle

2024-09-01 07:50:28

So proud of you! With love from Aiden, Kacee, Kirby, Detective and Banjo ❤️


Nicholas Swadling

2024-09-05 20:46:20



2024-08-28 08:57:37


Thomas Croitoru

2024-08-31 20:50:03


John Spathonis

2024-09-12 21:18:01


Kate Hansen

2024-09-04 12:06:53


Cole Wesstrom

2024-08-29 14:04:30

You're an awesome human! Miss you lots.


Jihye Ban

2024-09-04 21:34:59

You’re amazing !! Sending my love :)


Liz Upham

2024-08-28 13:59:27

Best wishes with this xx


Joe Collins

2024-08-28 09:44:35

That’s a beautiful tribute for your sister (as is what you’re doing with this fundraiser!) Good luck with everything and cheers from Freedomtown!


Jacqui And Tom Vaughan

2024-09-05 17:55:25



Bronwen Powell

2024-08-29 15:43:46

Well done! Dear one.


Narelle Thompson

2024-09-09 18:39:18

Lou great thing you’ve done. Your Dad told me about it.


Ben Lobley

2024-08-29 18:06:29

I think this will be the $30 that cures it



2024-08-28 15:40:42

❤️ x


Jessie Huang

2024-08-28 09:21:16

Dear Lou, my teacher in middle school also passed away from leukemia in 2018, and I used to feel very painful when intimate person passed away, regretting not being able to attend her funeral. In my eyes, you are so brave and extraverted, and I hope you all good!


Chloe Novello

2024-08-29 19:38:38


Roxane Nunes

2024-09-04 12:47:29

So proud you .!!!!!



2024-09-06 20:57:38


Huy Nguyen

2024-08-28 08:19:51

She sounds like a beautiful person, thanks for sharing her story! Good luck :D


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