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I'm fundraising for the World's Greatest Shave

This is my second year completing the World's Greatest Shave. I've had friends that have experienced blood cancer at a young age, and I always felt like there is something I should be doing to help. Thats why I'm completing the Worlds's Greatest Shave to help them and everyone else going the difficulties of blood cancer. Any donation would be greatly appreciated. 

Come On Let's Beat Blood Cancer Together!

Blood cancer is Australia's hidden cancer crisis. There are 140,000 families facing blood cancer right now. And it takes the lives of 16 Australians every day.

These numbers are set to double by 2035. Unless we do something about it. That's why I've signed up for the World's Greatest Shave.

I'm raising funds for the Leukaemia Foundation to give Australians facing blood cancer life-changing practical and emotional support. And to fund critical research, bringing us closer to the day when zero lives are lost to blood cancer.

Will you be part of my World's Greatest Shave community and donate to my page?

Your donation means that together, we're working to stop blood cancer in its tracks.

Any amount – big or small – will make a real, tangible difference.

Thanks for having your say


Submit your vote to be part of my fundraising journey.

My Achievements

Help me earn the Discover badge. That’s enough to fund 3 months of laboratory costs for a research project to discover better treatments for blood cancer.

I’m $4040 away from my next impact milestone. Please help me reach it.

Donate now

Signed Up!






Thank you to my Sponsors

Colin Brooks Mp

2024-08-16 16:00:27

Well done to Marco in Year 8 who made an appointment with me to discuss a donation. What a great ambassador for the college!


Into Blinds

2024-08-23 14:17:27


Stateline Freight

2024-08-21 13:53:52

Great Effort !


Watsonia Heights Football Club

2024-08-13 20:12:31

Congratulations Marco on supporting such a wonderful cause. We as a club are extremely proud of you and the difference you'll make to the Lukemeia Foundation. Bravo Marco! 👏


Watsonia Senior Men's Team

2024-09-02 13:37:45

Well Done Marco, You should feel immensely proud of both the awareness you've made and the donations you've amassed! Keep up the great work!



2024-08-15 12:41:31

Ciao Marco! Great initiative, buon lavoro! Mauro


Max Parpinel

2024-08-23 17:29:14

Well done for this great cause


Ead Succar

2024-08-14 14:24:56


Tony Gauci

2024-08-24 14:59:20

Well done Marco. Almost at $2000!!!!!


Chris Dunbar

2024-09-05 18:54:44

Well done Marco, sorry I forgot to add it to our page


Joe Rados

2024-08-25 08:50:33



2024-08-25 15:15:09


Gido, Sam & Alessia

2024-08-18 19:41:01


Royce Pullar

2024-08-23 17:00:24


Raffaella Cossalter

2024-08-25 08:40:45

Well done. Proud of you


Gary Dal Santo

2024-08-18 18:45:15

Good Luck



2024-08-10 10:13:57

Good luck!


Grant Ellis

2024-08-23 13:04:40

Good on you Marco,


Lucas Mao

2024-08-25 18:56:16



Ebony Stephen

2024-08-15 18:23:04

Great work Marco!! Miss Stephen


Mathew Lee

2024-08-26 09:04:43


Donato Arfi

2024-08-14 09:36:17


Deana Smirnios

2024-08-15 22:37:43


Matthew Pozzer

2024-08-25 15:14:33

Bravo Marco! 👏🔵⚪️🔴⚽️


Yolande Suffern

2024-08-25 15:29:42

Super effort, Marco.


Joshua Sicari

2024-08-19 08:48:25

Great work Marco!


Steven Keehne

2024-08-27 17:15:43


Tom De Santis

2024-08-31 11:02:28

Well done Marco! I’m so proud of you and for what you’re doing! Keep on smiling legend 😁 🤜


Giulia Parpinel

2024-08-20 17:00:29

Good job. Love you


Gem Oktay

2024-08-20 15:23:07


Ian Mckay

2024-08-13 22:16:58

Amazing effort for such a worthy cause. 👏


Kade Hamilton

2024-08-12 19:52:47

Great job Marco from your mate Kade


Marco Vecchi

2024-08-20 16:54:37

Good luck!


Daniela Maitilasso

2024-08-19 14:12:39

Marco, you are so inspirational! Bravo!!!


Fotini Veis

2024-08-14 15:02:19



2024-08-20 13:35:47


Vedran Petrovic

2024-08-20 15:36:18


Julie Boyle

2024-08-21 19:00:57

You are doing a very brave thing Marco for a great cause



2024-08-21 08:03:03

Well done Marco! You're an inspiration


Luca Veneziano

2024-08-11 23:18:21

Good luck


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