Phillip Kim

Share my page

I'm fundraising for the World's Greatest Shave

Blood cancer is Australia's hidden cancer crisis. There are 140,000 families facing blood cancer right now. And it takes the lives of 16 Australians every day.

These numbers are set to double by 2035. Unless we do something about it. That's why I've signed up for the World's Greatest Shave.

I'm raising funds for the Leukaemia Foundation to give Australians facing blood cancer life-changing practical and emotional support. And to fund critical research, bringing us closer to the day when zero lives are lost to blood cancer.

Will you be part of my World's Greatest Shave community and donate to my page?

Your donation means that together, we're working to stop blood cancer in its tracks.

Any amount – big or small – will make a real, tangible difference.

Your Impact

Help me earn the Personalised Treatment badge. That's enough to fund state-of-the-art tests to personalise treatment for a child to give them the best chance of survival

I’m $148 away from my next impact milestone. Please help me reach it.

Donate now

My Achievements

Help me earn the Discover badge. That’s enough to fund 3 months of laboratory costs for a research project to discover better treatments for blood cancer.

I’m $4040 away from my next impact milestone. Please help me reach it.

Donate now

Signed Up!






Thank you to my Sponsors

Minjun Ji

2024-08-25 12:56:32


Daniel Yoon

2024-08-24 21:36:31


Sung Kim

2024-09-01 13:05:05



Kangil Lee

2024-09-01 13:01:21

Hi Philip, you are doing a great job as Jesus’s follower. I hope that God leads you to the His way.


David Do

2024-09-01 10:34:41



2024-08-23 11:39:34

Phillip with a buzz cut :D


Erin Banister

2024-09-03 08:47:15


Christopher Hart

2024-09-08 13:28:24

Keep up the wonderful work!


Daniel Chung

2024-09-01 12:58:16

All the best!


Andrew Savage

2024-09-12 12:06:00


Katherine Lochrie

2024-09-03 19:07:33


Liz Montanaro

2024-09-02 10:37:25

From the best English teacher you will EVER have


Phillip Kim

2024-08-23 09:40:59



2024-08-29 23:19:37



Daniel Ko

2024-08-23 10:14:50

Good luck!


Mrs Petchell

2024-08-29 09:55:27

You continue to impress me with your commitment to the community. Keep up the great work Phillip.


Nick Cross

2024-08-25 08:07:42


Jihoon Park

2024-08-25 18:47:22


Benoit Marden

2024-08-30 10:01:00

Bonne chance Phillip!


Mark Schumann

2024-09-07 09:02:42


Bevan Hung

2024-08-29 09:28:11

All the best Philip. This is a really worthy cause.


Michael Abrahams

2024-09-08 10:39:12


Kpcm Melbourne

2024-09-01 13:09:52



2024-08-25 13:02:20

keep advocating for the leukaemia community!



2024-09-01 12:39:00



2024-09-07 20:42:21

Hey Philip, well done for being a true salt and light to the world! Keep it up!


Zoe Adam

2024-08-30 16:33:36



2024-08-27 16:52:03



2024-08-25 08:41:06

cool man



2024-09-04 08:21:22


Simon Corkeron

2024-09-04 08:48:39

Go for it, Badger!


Kristy Mcwaters

2024-09-08 14:20:38


Sarah R

2024-08-25 15:49:07

love to support u and the cause <3


Andrew Schillaci

2024-09-02 15:42:16


Paul Cherry

2024-09-07 08:12:55

Great job Phillip!


Owen Williams

2024-09-03 14:48:33



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Yarra Valley Grammar 2024

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Gideon Tse

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Gauri A

Raised so far:


Ian Mak

Scott Kertes (C)

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Gabe Cameron

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Sarah Goodger

Raised so far:


Isabella Irwin

Raised so far:


Cassidy Coetzee

Raised so far:


Aimaan Arora

Raised so far:


Richie Howard-West

Ben Baulch

Zara Ahmed

Lochie Baulch

Ayanna Chanana

Abbey Shea

Ivy Zhou

Raised so far:


Avery Jin

Amelia Hart

Brooke Gilmour

Raised so far:


Elisa Wong

Yuvraj Solanki

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holly jones

Raised so far:


Phillip Kim

Raised so far:


Alya Arora

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Amelie Ferrarotto

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Sunny La Ferlita

Raised so far:


Elena Wang

Tina Liu

Raised so far:


Molly Wilson

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Hazel Ngan

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Ivy Dickins

Abbi Joy

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Christopher Jing

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Felicity Wilson

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Ashley Zhuan

Ava Colaneri

Raised so far:


Matthew He


Raised so far:


Alannah Butcher

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Jono ewison

Raised so far:


Kian Javadi

vina ramunan

Raised so far:


Jesse Davey

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Rhea Engineer

Sophie Edmonds

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Elise Edmonds

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Bosco Chen

Lachlan Gilchrist

Ben Bellizia

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Lucy Brooks


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Sean Gunstone

Raised so far:


Jun Wei

Agrima Shrivastava

Hannah Khan

Bruce So

Brandon Keogh

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Lincoln O'Hare

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Levi Brown

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Joshua Waldren

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Chloe Dakic

Sophie Graham

Raavi Virk

Chloe Dakic

Raised so far:


Kevin Li

Nina Liu

Raised so far:


Ayanna Chanana

Lachlan Carstairs

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Jessica Hodge

Raised so far:


Dongchen(James) Gao

Lachlan Hong

Raised so far:


Harry Pan

Raised so far:


Smera Patel

Raised so far:


Hamish Dickins

Zane Miller

Raised so far:


Gabriel Hogan

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Parsa Manavifar

Rhys Gami

Emme Lindh

Raised so far:


Kit McLean

Raised so far:


Aidan Goh

Raised so far:


Charlie Richards

Ben Deng

Lottie Russack

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Lucy Stagg

Bryn Lannan

Shravya Vatsa

Harry Brown

Christopher Hong

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joshua murray

Aanya Mehta

Raised so far:


Harry Minett

Jasmine Truong

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indy brown

Chelsea David

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Jeremy Xu

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Elaine Shen

Grace Crump

Ella Coxhill

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Brooke kil

Lucy Hodge

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Cynthia Truong

Raised so far:


Rory Vallence

Bryn Lannan

Maddison Grace

Raised so far:


Imogen Lannan

Raised so far:


Ari Phillips

Raised so far:


Kaavya Sharma

Raised so far:


oscar spring

Raised so far:


Aarav Arora

Raised so far:


Lang Qin

Raised so far:


olivia mosley

Raised so far:


William Wendyono

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Amirali Rahighi

Ethan Gorander

Jude Ryan

Raised so far:


Huy Ho

Michael Quartermain

Raised so far:


William Quinlivan Solano

Raised so far:


Will Lewis

Sam Mcleod

lachie collins

Ryan Zheng

Liam Woodall

Raised so far:


Broden Ralston

Raised so far:


Alexandra Hannemann

Sophia Sharoglazov

Raised so far:


Maya Shu

Raised so far:


Tom Seaburgh

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Ethan Symes-Smith

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Samuel Redgrove

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Liam Huang

Liv Tyndall

Raised so far:


Alexander West

Raised so far:


Zac Tallack

Isabelle Hart

Harry Strik

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Lily Chan

Phoenix Ng

Raised so far:


Xavier Schlegel

Raised so far:


Kyle Gu

Charlotte Foulds

Raised so far:


Charlie Richards

Raised so far:


Eloise Wallace

Raised so far:


Jesse Blood

Raised so far:


Henri Rowse

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